Simple Ways to Keep Your Artificial Turf Looking Fabulous

The one big reason why more and more people are shifting to artificial turf for their lawn is that it is low on maintenance. You don't have to worry about regular watering, mowing, reseeding, and fertilizing to maintain your natural grass lawn. Who would not want a soft green lawn that looks amazing throughout the year with minimal maintenance?

With that being said, it is not like that synthetic turf is entirely maintenance-free. To get the most out of your investment and to keep the lawn looking fresh, beautiful, and presentable, you will have to ensure that it receives adequate care. Here are some simple ways to extend the life of your artificial lawn and to make it look as natural as possible:

Remove dust and stains


Usually, rain works as the best cleanser to remove dirt and stains. But, in areas that receive less rainfall, you can easily clean the accumulated dust by spraying with a hose. Avoid using harsh chemicals. Though artificial grass is resistant to staining, occasional stains can easily be removed with mineral spirits. Companies that install turfs, also sell organic sprays made with mild detergents

Brush Regularly

This is probably the best way to keep the grass blades aligned and upright for a longer time and will also enhance the natural look of the lawn. You can brush the grass commensurate with the amount of foot traffic it gets. Always use a brush with soft bristles as brushes with metal or wire bristles can cause damage to the grass fibers. 

Remove Pet Waste

If you have pets using the artificial lawn, do not let pet waste linger on for long as it will cause both odors and stains. Use plastic bags and pooper scoopers to remove any pet waste as soon as you see it. Prompt attention is essential to keep your lawn fresh and odor-free.

Remove Leaves

If you have trees nearby, which allow leaves and other debris to make way into your lawn, use a simple rake or leaf blower to get rid of them. This will help in maintaining a clean and groomed look. 

Weed Control

Include a weed membrane beneath the grass to avoid unwanted weeds. It is also essential to treat the turf with herbicides regularly to keep it in prime condition.

Some artificial lawn Dont's:

  • Avoid barbecues and bonfires near artificial grass.

  • Don't allow sharp and pointy objects like broken glass, cleats, and stilettos to come in contact with the synthetic lawn.

  • Avoid parking large and heavy vehicles on the turf.

  • Never install mirrors or reflective glasses near the lawn as the reflected light from the sun will burn the surface of the grass.

  • Don't use harsh chemicals and detergents to clean the grass.

Artificial lawn, like all other investments, needs care and maintenance. Maintaining a proper cleaning and grooming schedule will keep it beautiful and fresh for years and will offer you a perfect outdoor space to relax and unwind.