Why Families Are Turning to Artificial Turf


Artificial turf has been around for a long time. It's especially popular in professional sport because it provides a better playing surface. But many families are starting to see the benefits of using artificial turf for both their front and back yard.

And while the smell of freshly cut grass is enticing, artificial grass is undeniably much easier to maintain. Here are a few of the most important reasons why so many homes choose to switch to artificial turf.

No need to water or mow it

Traditional grass requires continuous watering, usually in the morning or evening. That means having to coordinate your schedule frequently. Not to mention that it's going to impact the water bill significantly.

Artificial turf will require occasional cleaning, but that's it. When it comes to mowing, real lawns can be a time-consuming chore. Artificial turf will give a busy family more time to spend with each other.

No pesticides required

Having a real grass lawn also means using fertilizers and pesticides from time to time. But for a family with small children, especially those still crawling, that's not the safest option.

It doesn't come as a surprise that so many cities are choosing to put artificial turf on children's playgrounds when you consider the potential risks.

Great for dogs

Dogs love real grass, that's for sure. But they also dig holes all over the lawn and make a mess. While they might not be ecstatic about the artificial turf, they'll be able to enjoy it without getting dirty and then bringing it inside your home.

It's dependable and durable

An artificial lawn can look just as beautiful as traditional grass. On top of that, it's going to continue looking great, with zero landscaping required. That kind of dependability is precisely what so many families are looking for in a lawn.

Because even if the house looks great, a poorly maintained lawn will ruin the overall impression. In terms of durability, it's going to suffer lots of wear and tear over the years.

No grass stains

Grass stains can be tricky and hard to remove, especially on jeans. When kids spend all day playing outside, they're probably going to bring in some mud and grass stains on their shoes and potentially transfer it to furniture or carpets. That's not something to worry about with artificial grass.

It's drought resistant

Drought is the number one enemy of a beautiful natural lawn. In areas where water preservation is something you need to think about, artificial turf is a much better choice.

And even if the water restrictions are not something to worry about, sometimes no amount of water can save a traditional lawn.

Artificial turf is an excellent choice for families

Mowing the lawn can be a soothing experience, but not when you have to spend three hours doing it every weekend.

Plus, worrying about how pesticides will affect your kids and pets is a headache artificial grass can alleviate. It's a low-maintenance, cost-effective, and durable investment for a family.

Turfscapes of Arizona is a Phoenix-based family-owned business specializing in the installation of artificial lawns, hardscaping, and rock spreading. Find out how artificial turf can improve your home or business landscaping. Call 602-884-8760 today!